
French Painter

As a young boy, de Villeneuve was surrounded by lush floral and vegetable gardens, as well as the ocean. De Villeneuve utilizes these memories, as well as inspiration from his experiences as an antiques dealer, to create paintings that exude peace and serenity. Paintings such as Cherries and Ocean Amaryllis showcase de Villeneuve’s dedication to detail and realism as he focuses on the beauty of nature. In addition to paintings that incorporate elements of nature, de Villeneuve is also famous for his paintings that feature bicycles and cafe scenes. While de Villeneuve’s nature paintings gained him attention and success within the art community, the paintings of bicycles and cafes have elevated his artwork to a commercial status. Paintings such as London Bicycle have been transformed into popular prints that appear on posters, pillows, and other household items. De Villeneuve mainly uses oils for his paintings and follows the style of traditional 17th and 18th century French painters. He enjoys injecting romance and nostalgia into his artwork. Some of his pieces, such as Italian Cafe, utilize trompe l’oeil, a technique used to create the illusion of a three-dimensional scene. De Villeneuve has also owned and operated the Fabrice de Villeneuve Studio for the past 20 years. This global publishing and distribution company represents the artwork of many talented young artists that help run the studio. In addition to his paintings being displayed in the studio, de Villeneuve’s artwork has been featured in publications such as Elle Decoration, Maison et Jardin, Figaro, Marie Claire, and Art and Decoration.