
Lithuanian Painter

Born in 1894, Yuli Blumberg was primarily influenced by the 1900s and 1910s. The first decades of the twentieth century were characterised by vibrant developments in pictorial art. It was the era of post-Impressionism and of experimentation, including the first ventures into Expressionism and Abstraction. Many different groups of artists or loosely affiliated communities of the avant-garde in different major cities around the world evolved different modes of these key innovations. The horrors of the First World War hatched significant developments in the psychological intentions of art, including the absurdist stylings of Dadaism which materialised in Paris, Berlin, Zurich and Hannover, and which brought recognition for artists like Marcel Duchamp, Francis Picabia, Hannah Höch and Kurt Schwitters. Many of these ideas would go on to flourish further in Surrealism - the primary art movement to fully incorporate psychology, and in particular ideas about the unconscious which had been developed by Sigmund Freud and his disciple Carl Jung.

Exhibition venues include the Brooklyn Museum, 1929; Neumann Gallery (solo); Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1932 (as Feiga Blumberg); Carnegie Institute, 1948, 1949; Whitney Museum of American Art, 1955; Artists Gallery, New York, 1958; Salons of America; and Society of Independent Artists.